As a Certified Professional, Executive, and Leadership Coach, Linda will work with you to identify your strengths and move forward to create your best version of yourself, to enhance your team, and to make reaching your goals a true possibility.

Certified through CaPP Institute, with training credentialed by the International Coach Federation, Linda understands how coaching can open new pathways for success. 

Personal Life Coaching 

Whether you are facing a major life-change, a crossroads in your personal life or career, or you just want to be more focused in defining and achieving your personal goals, you will find the coaching from Linda J. Hansen will help you to reach your fullest potential. We all encounter times of being “stuck” and coaching can help us to overcome those pesky obstacles that interfere with our progress.  Schedule an introductory session today, and take the first step to reaching your goals – in all areas of your life!

Executive / Corporate Coaching  

Are your employees working at their fullest potential? Is there a team spirit in the workplace? Are the right people in the right jobs? Do your employees feel valued? Is your retention rate high? Are you training employees to excel and progress? Creating a coaching culture within your organization is one of the best things you can do to improve productivity, cohesion, and employee engagement.  An investment in coaching brings value that spreads throughout your organization and outwards to your clients or customers.  Contact Linda today to discuss how Corporate / Executive Coaching can enhance the efforts of your organization.

Leadership Coaching

Leadership coaching helps to bring out the best in all of us. Everyone is a leader to someone, and teaching leaders to enlarge their influence, inspire others, and expand their own growth is an essential part of creating leadership that lasts. Anyone can be "in charge," but true leadership requires a sense of vision, responsibility, commitment, and wisdom that can be cultivated and nurtured through Leadership Coaching. Certified as a John Maxwell Leadership Coach, Linda has a wide array of tools and resources to help you with your leadership development programs.