Speaking Engagements Available


Need a motivational keynote speaker to kick it up a notch at your next event? Need someone with unique experiences and a fresh approach?

Linda's diverse background gives her a unique platform from which to engage and inspire your audience. From serving as Deputy Chief of Staff on a presidential campaign, to home-schooling her six children (all now adults), to running 11+ marathons, and everything in between, she has a lifetime of knowledge and expertise to share.

Book Linda as the keynote for your next conference! 

Business meetings

Linda has extensive experience working within a business environment and will offer your attendees a professional, motivational presentation.

Business Meetings could be planned to launch coaching programs, or could focus on certain topics (e.g. Prosperity 101, LLC or Breakroom Economics program materials).  

Schedule the Business Meeting that will meet your needs and inspire your team.

Leadership roundtable

If you are looking for a more private, focused meeting, look to Linda to provide engaging contact in an innovative manner.  
Challenge your leaders to reach beyond their current norms to focus on developing their best lives, both professionally and personally.

Schedule Linda to lead your next Leadership Roundtable discussion and develop your leadership team!